Share a meal with flood-affected families

Share a meal with flood-affected families
What is happening in Pakistan?

14.6 million Pakistanis are food insecure

97% of Pakistanis will be living below the poverty line

Transportation Infrastructure has been destroyed, leading to livelihoods and food being cutoff
While the monsoon season is over in Pakistan, rains have subsided, but the flood water still remains across the country.
Rain-induced floods have so far killed 1700 people and 1.1 million livestock, and a total of 1.3 million homes have been destroyed. Standing water breeds water-borne diseases like dengue and malaria, with at least 132K confirmed cases since June 2022.
Due to the heavy floods, dams have collapsed and affected major areas across the Indus River, affecting Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Agriculture, business, and livestock have been severely damaged causing an economic downfall across the country.
Share a meal with someone today

Feed 1 person
Provide one person enough food to last a month

Feed a family of 5
Provide one family of five enough food to last a month
What are we doing to help?
Our response includes providing food vouchers, cash for food, and food parcels that will be directly given to families in need to ensure they have enough food for them to have a healthy diet. If food markets are limited in regions of operations, families will be given food parcels to last them one month.

Food Vouchers

Food Parcels

How it works?

We raise funds

We evaluate partners

We monitor the work the
partners are doing

We distribute funds among the partners

We show the work we are doing with our partners

We drive global impact
and save lives
About IDRF
IDRF is dedicated to saving lives and making a difference in Afghanistan. We are working hard to ensure that Afghanistan is not wiped off the map and the under-served are helped in whatever way possible.
We are a non-profit with a mission to change the world. We work collaboratively with a diverse set of stakeholders to offer hope and help break the cycles of poverty – and thus alleviate suffering amongst the most vulnerable locally and across the globe.

Every Meal Makes a Difference

A project of International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF).
Registered Charity: 867961013RR0001
23 Lesmill Rd., Suite 300, North York,
ON M3B 3P6, Canada